Services, Rates & Policies

Length of Coaching Session: Anne provides 50 minute coaching sessions via Zoom.

Rate For Coaching Session: Anne’s rate is $100.00 per 50 minute coaching session.

Services Offered: Anne offers coaching sessions both to neurodivergent individuals as well as their family members if desired, in order to help them better understand their neurodivergent loved ones who may experience the world differently than they do.

Payment: Invoices are sent to clients via PayPal prior to each session and payment is due by or before the date of the scheduled coaching session. Clients do not have to have a PayPal account in order to pay by this method.

Cancellation Policy: As Anne reserves the date and time of your session exclusively for you, should you need to cancel your appointment, please do so 24 hours or more in advance of your scheduled appointment. Clients cancelling outside of this time frame will be charged a $100.00 cancellation fee equal to the cost of a session.

Session Notes: With the client’s permission, Anne will take notes during coaching sessions and share them with her clients via email after our session, so all involved will be able to reference any pertinent learning that took place, what goals were set, and what any next steps and action items are.

*Important Information About Coaching

  • Please note, coaching is NOT therapy, nor is it a substitute for therapy. While coaches understand the importance of good mental health, coaching DOES NOT treat mental health conditions.
  • Please note: There are no formal education requirements necessary for life coaching, and as this work is not regulated by a federal or state agency, there is no need for a license as no license is available or required to be a Life Coach. That said, I uphold the highest ethical standards in my coaching practice and stay up to date with the most current information in the studies of neurodiversity and coaching through ongoing continuing education.
  • At this time, coaching is not covered by health insurance.